From Apathy
To Sanity

Through applied philosophy
-with tongue in cheek : )

Mental Kung Fu...

-Well, kinda. 

Even though Mental Kung Fu is practised at its very best UNSERIOUSLY, the effects are however, very serious.

At it’s core, Mental Kung Fu is simply about providing you with the right introspective/interoceptive questions designed to give you solace, and hence the foundation for making better decisions going forward.
That’s “IT” basically!

Mental Kung Fu strives to give you three things:

1: Possibillity
Teaching you, through fun little exercises, how to reduce stress so that you regain the capacity to make sound and sustainable decisions, instead of remaing trapped in self-destructive patterns.
The sensation of shedding old habits is liberating!

2: Abillity
– Insight into what mechanisms are responsible for your behavior and the knowledge to act effectively, instead of merely out of affect.
This way, you start doing what YOU KNOW YOU NEED instead of just remaining trapped doing WHAT YOU THINK YOU WANT.
The benifits of true self-caring are very tangible!

3: Maintainabillity
Skills and experience gained from turning intentions into actions, fostering the honest self-confidence that will ensure you do not digress and regress for the umpteenth time.
The advantages of self-proven progress are invaluable!

So whaddaya say. Do you wanna cut the crap and get straight to it?
Then just hit the little red button!
-If not, then just keep scrolling…

Why Mental Kung Fu?

Because there is so much bullshit prevalent, and it’s growing ever more impossible to figure out what is real and what is fake.
This perfect-shit-storm of over-stimulation and under-nourishment is suffacating our spirit, while providing sensory overload. This ever growing ominous internal indifference is wreaking havoc on both our minds as well as our bodies!

So if our outlook is bleak, then what do we do?
We look inside instead!

Humans originally developed to roam the vast open plains of the sunny African savannah
on our own terms. We lived autonomously in small groups with nothing but free-time, peaceful minds and active bodies.
Today, we spend most of our lives in small enclosed spaces under artificial light, glaring at screens following rules, with hyper-active minds all the while our bodies sit catatonically still.
-Everything we’ve biologically adapted to over the last 4.5 billion years, has completely inverted in just a few centuries…


, you HAVE TO do CHORES you HATE most of the time, THROUGH PLANNING.

Somewhere around adolescence, your world figuratively flip-flops, and very few people learn how to successfully deal with it, and end up forever c
hasing “uppers” in a life where they feel chronically “down”.
-Displaced and displeased. 
The ominous feeling of adulthood…

No wonder we feel stressed out of our minds!
We are caught up in a system obsessed with short-term OUTPUT, with no focus on the long-term OUTCOME!

Well, this is all about to change, ’cause Mental Kung Fu means:
“The way of turning debillitating belly-flops, into liberating cannon-balls!”
So, let’s GO!


From Digital Lobotomy
Vestigial A

for the

We’ve never been objectively better off as a race.
And we’ve never felt subjectively worse as an individual.
-Now, that should tell you something about the extent that your mind is being [skillfully/willfully] manipulated on a daily basis.

Since most of our life-satisfaction is based off of the emotions derived from our ego’s eternal comparison fetish, no wonder we feel like shit, when it’s a multi-billion-dollar-industry, trying to persuade us into believing that we will find happiness from bullshit posted on social media,
just after the admission fee has been paid.


Your mind is very likely festering in a sort of chronic inflammation state, where all the external worries of: AI-generated unimployment, the failing economy and all the globally available impending doom, from whatever crisis-of-the-week is being peddled on your prefered channels, is consuming most of your mental resources, leaving you with only the basic motor-skills for doom-scrolling…

n the old world, you could eventually find what you were looking for, and if you didn’t really know what you were longing for, no one could really be bothered to tell you what “IT” was, as they had more important shit to do.
You were pretty much
left to your own devices.

Today, the situation is the diametric opposite, as everything is highly curated and personally adapted through you own [in]voulantary participation through your digital vices.
Never once have anyone ACTUALLY questioned WHY it is that YOU THINK THAT YOU WANT THE THINGS THAT YOU DO, as they are themselves far to busy with all their own bulshittery of: Self-improvement, Life-Hacking and becoming “successful”.

Your mind has become the stray dog that is biting the very hand trying to help it, because of the addiction to the micro-transactive-world of instant-dopamine-gratification. 
This internal state of hormonal disarray, coupled with an external state of dismay, is the perfect breeding-ground for: Stress, Depression and whatever trendy diagnosis you can shake a stick at.

This innundation of information keeps us catatonically trapped in perpetual “analysis-paralysis”, where all we can muster, is the same-shit-different-day-searching for our way out of the rat race, through what ever short-cut we can purchase with the fastest delivery option available.
-Okay, okay, a little dark perhaps, but tungue-in-cheek retorics travel poorly in writing, so heres a little smiley-face for ya : ) 

What if you could learn how to change all this?
Shedding this latent mother-of-all-evil comparison trait, and finally becoming okay with not being okay!

Can it even be done?
Well, let’s go see shall we!?

Avoiding a BREAKDOWN

From Depressed

Our sources of stress goes a much further than just the obvious ones.

Please humor me for a second: Ever since you were born, and you took your first stroller ride through the supermarket-isles, and your adorable little face smiled innocently up towards the whimsical cereal-box characters, designed to look down and make eye-contact with you, in order to establish a monetizable parasocial connection as early as possible, you’ve grown up in a society increasingly designed by behavioral psychologists and marketeers.

A society behaviorally designed for you to voluntarily give up as many of your resources for MAKING THE ARCHITECTS RICHER, through willfull and skillful emotional manipulation.
You’ve been gaslighted and programmed into constantly questioning everything about your worth as a human being, while been taught to seek external respite through monetary means, all the while true redemption awaits internally, ready to be instantly accessed at any given moment.
If you only allow your Self to do so.

Enter Mental Kung Fu!
-Not only is it freeing. It is totally free as well!
Mental Kung Fu, is reverse-engineered behavioral design, empowering you to use as many of your resources on MAKING YOURSELF FEEL BETTER!

So if you came here for advice, I’m afraid I only have one to give: STOP LOOKING FOR ADVICE!

The only thing Mental Kung Fu has to offer, is the Self insight as to where YOU can cut your own [digital] umbilical cord. With surgical precision.
This starts by transforming external searching in disparity, into introspective Self-exploration with clarity.
Sounds like bullshit? Well of course!

You can only fight bullshit with stronger bullshit, because this is what we have all been conditioned for.

So as long as you’re still here.
Shall we go and see where the path of your past points, and if the correct corrective compensations are in place, or whether you are bound to 
perpetually loop about in life’s grinding wheel of misfortune?

Going from OBEY to OKAY


Like it or not: You’ve been raised by media-moguls producing entertainment for the lowes common denominator. Skillfully designed to create conflict, drama and artificial desires, for which they conveniently happen to sell “the fix” for as well.

The main purpose of marketeers has always been to squeeze the lemon [into your eyes] as much as possible, making you feel inadequate, insufficient and insecure about yourself, so that they can then sell you their ego-boosting upgrade-lemonade, through product-placement and celebrity endorsements. Hooking you, to perpetual-upgrading from early infancy, through never-ending and ever-shortening fashion-cycles, artificially created scarcity, planned obsolescence and lack of repairability.

An influenza of Influencers peddeling affluence.
United against you. Forever chanting the ancient song of finding meaning in life through the game
 of forever chasing new and better tails…

A life where the promise of salvation lies forever just behind the next step up the ladder, your next purchase, next increase in level, the next paywall or your next upgrade, be it physically or mentally.
A big market, where you my 
friend, are the product, and the ladder has been bent into a hamster-wheel, connected to the lemon squeezer itself!
-Please take comfort in knowing, that this isn’t some grand evil conspiracy. It’s simply the to-be-expected outcome of the “one-upmanship” behavior fostered by the game of “doing business”.

Nearly every aspect of your life have been meticulously crafted with the sole intent to manipulate your behavior and extract as many of your resources as possible, be it money, time or attention. Online or offline. 
-They tear you down so that you become willing to pay for building their mansions.

If you feel stressed, depressed,
 depleted or have anxiety, then don’t worry. The “system” is working exactly as intended!

But here’s the thing: If you stop drinking the lemonade, the lemonade-stands eventually runs themselves out of business!
-Mental Kung Fu is your aide in this raid!



 Gives Us

FEEL Better

It all starts with becoming aware
of where you can help yourself,
the most, the fastet, using the least effort.

Now. There are two ways to go about it.
Either you focus on:

Reducing negative influences.
Increasing positive influences.

You figure out what is right for you, by asking:

WHAT is in charge of YOUR behavior?


What is “IT” for you?

When you know, you become ready to apply Mental Kung Fu!

Red bloom

WTF is Mental Kung Fu?

Mental Kung Fu™ is self-insight based behavioral design within the realms of: Stress, Work and Lifestyle, designed to create lasting behavioral changes where they make the largest possible impact, while using the least amount of energy.
-To be perfectly honest. If we get down to brass tax, it’s basically just about asking your Self, little fun self-caring questions in the relevant situations. That doesn’t sound too encumbering right?

Look. No one knows you better than YOURSELF, so through [re]learning how to properly feel and listen inwards and asking your Self the right questions at the right times, will you find the right answers FOR YOU!
-Introspection through interoception and reflection.

The basis for any successful and lasting behavioral changeis the energy to maintain it in the long run.
Without energy and surplus mental capacity, the old habits slowly overtake again. Therefore, the primary focus in Mental Kung Fu lies in creating the foundational bedrock, necessary for the remaining building process not ending up becoming wasted.

The foundation is to create Dynamic Equilibrium™

Without a steady supply of mental and physical capacity, you quickly end up incapacitated as the grind takes over.
Therefore, the primary focus lies on creating the solid bedrock necessary, for the rest of the building process not ending up having been in vain.

You not only get functional tools. You learn how to create the foundry where you forge your very own!

Read more about how Mental Kung Fu can break the behavioral loop both Personally and Professionally, by clicking the buttons below.

You can also continue and learn more about how exactly the approach works.
Spoiler alert: There are no shortcuts in life!

The only true shortcut, lies in realizing that the sooner you stop wasting time on c
hasing quick-fixes and life-hacks, and instead focus all of your energy on what you already know needs to be done, the faster you’ll start making sustainable progress.
Because, let’s be brutally honest here: You 
already know exactly WHAT needs to be done.
-You just need to take a deep breath and stop kidding yourself into believing that it takes some form of future “thing” for you to be happy. This is the path away from self-depletion, and onto the trail of self-completion. You see, the “thing” you feel is missing and needs to be fulfilled externally, is simply your mischievous “Self”, playing tricks on your mind. Your way out, is to stop dancing to its tune like a blunt instrument, and instead start making you own music. This is instrumental for not going mental!

Take control over


Stop being controlled by

Green bloom

How does Mental Kung Fu work?

Mental Kung Fu” translates to: “Mental Skill Master“, and don’t worry, it’s not some abstract esoteric new-age nonsense. Quite the opposite actually. You cannot combat bullshit with more bullshit, therefore, Mental Kung Fu™ is designed to be as anti-bullshit as possible, and is an ultra effective systematic and systemic approach for achieving lasting behavioral changes, through taking advantage of all the most optimum resources within the fields of: Physiology, psychology and philosophy, WHEREVER THEY ARE MOST RELEVANT TO YOUR SITUATION. We use anything from: Meta-cognition, Stoic-philosophy, Taoistic-cultivation and Protreptic-dialogue, as well as the newest evidence based knowledge within The 5 S’es: Stress, Sleep, Strength, Suffering and Sustenance.

It may sound fancy but it really isn’t. It’s simply about choosing the right tool for the right job!
Instead of being married to one simple “end-all-be-all” solution, and then ham-fistedly trying to approach everything through this one-sided approach, we learn to acquire the exact skill required for any given task, without becoming bogged down with all the superfluous stuff that isn’t applicable to our situation.

In other words: Instead of stubbornly pursuing “One-solution-fits-none”, we instead practice “Optimum-solution-through-fun!“, because the more natural something is for you, the higher your long-term probabilities for success will be!
It is all about dynamically matching you attributes, to the challenges that you face, through skillfully selecting the best actions for your reality, and then adapting and replacing them as they become worn out and newer and better ones come along.

Many examples will be presented throughout, but it is the accumulation of “AHA!” MOMENTS gathered from YOUR OWN INTERNAL QUESTIONING that wil help you figure out YOUR OWN SOLUTION.

Such as this:
Have you ever noticed how many of your problems are caused by you saying “YES” to soon, and “NO” too late?

This we can work on!


You can start right now by asking yourself the following question:

Does your BEHAVIOR
bring you 



Mastering Rubs Off

There are two ways to prevent injuries:
  Avoid danger
2) Learn how to protect yourself

A little analogy: Imagine that you have to walk a tightrope and that you are scared of falling and getting hurt.
Because of your fear, you use all of your attention on your feet and you do not see a bird passing close by.
The bird end up scaring you, and you lose your balance and fall.
All your attention was spent on not trying to fall and you therefore lost your situational awareness on what you were actually trying to accomplish: Making it to the other side.

So. Imagine the exact same scenario, but no, you havn’t practiced on walking a tightrope. Instead, you have trained in falling without becoming injured, therefore your fear of falling no longer controls your behavior.

NOW you can focus on what it’s actually about, because you practiced in mastering the cause that was holding you back, instead of focusing on the symptom that you wanted to avoid.
This way, you become able to evade the inevitable, and this skill is applicable in many places, instead of only practicing tightrope-walking itself.

In many parts our life, our pre-emptive fear of failing, is actually what causes us to fail in the end.
Either from over-analysis-paralysis, or lack of experience in handling uncomfortable situations, due to an overprotective fear-avoidance response.

Short-term protection without reflexion, can easily lead to long-term subjection!

What if you could learn how to avoid the need for avoiding things in the first place?
Perhaps you wouldn’t feel like coming in last place so much?

Throughout life, we


when it happens?


Life is about balance and contrast: If we get too far off balance, we then need to compensate equally to regain our equilibrium, and if life is too boring, we yearn for challenge and new experiences. In order to be happy in the long run, we need manageable fluctuations that gently push our comfort zone, without pushing our boundaries uncomfortably. In other words, we strive for Dynamic Equilibrium“.

Problems arise when there “is a hole in one of the libra scale sides”, because then no matter how much we fill it up, it will always feel empty, and the scale will tip over as soon as we stop actively fighting against the leak, and no one can endure having to fight constantly. We therefore need to explore the root cause of this “hole” and confront it. Only through this, can we absolve ourselves of the hopeless task of filling a bottomless need, and we get to do it compassionately and at a time of our own choosing, instead of being confronted at a time where it is the most inconvenient.

Behavior created by IMBALANCE


Behavior created

Break The Loop

“Bad habits” is something that gives a short-term positive emotion on behalf of a long-term negative consequence. However, we can’t just remove a “bad habit” with out consequences. Therefore we work on replacing it with a new habit that yields a similar emotion, but without the negative consequence. We do this by looking for the CAUSE of our habitual behavior, in order to see what we can do WITH IT inserted of AGAINST IT, because the habit satisfies a fundamental need which needs to be accounted for if you want LASTING SUCCESS.

If we only fight our symptoms, then the cause will continue to wear us down throughout our life.

Have you CHOSEN
your current situation?

Or have you merely


Easy Solutions
Hard Life

Fetal position

If you for instance eat inappropriately because of stress or negative emotions, then the best diet-plan in the world will not be the solution, but only serve to give you yet another reason to hit yourself on the head.

Low energy and pain

If you for instance lack energy, have headaches or poor sleep, then magical supplements, painkillers, sugar, caffeine or alcohol, will not help you in the long run, but only serve to make the problem worse.

Bang head on table

If you for instance use your phone as a distraction for just 2 hours a day, it compounds into nearly 20 work-weeks a year that you lose of your life!

What we experience as PROBLEMS
are only the SYMPTOMS


we need
than what CREATED IT

Blue bloom

Mental Kung Fu
Master Over Bullshit

If you had stopped riding your bicycle efter the third time you fell, you’d never have mastered it.
If you’d never jumped into the water the first time, you’d never had learned to swim, because you cannot learn how to swim from reading reading a book or by practicing safely on the shore. Your need to get your feet wet!
If you have something that you feel that you are incapable off, it is very likely because you just haven’t found YOUR OWN WAY of doing it yet!

Regardless of whether you for instance want to get into better shape so you can play with the kids or reduce pain, or if you want to become better at putting away your work and spend more time with your family, or perhaps get rid of your procrastinative behavior, THERE IS A WAY FORWARD.

It is very seldom a lack of knowledge that is holding us back.
Often, it is our inherent search of shortcuts that keeps leading us 
-All the easy routes that I know of, are just shortcuts to detours, because if you really listen inwards, you can feel that you already know the answer to the questions you are perhaps not ready to ask yourself just yet, and it is exactly these questions you learn how to ask!

It is not about looking for what YOU LIKE TO HEAR.
-This changes NOTHING.

It is all about listening after what YOU NEED TO REALIZE.
-This changes EVERYTHING!

If you’re tired of being stuck in a loop and feel ready to try something TOTALLY NEW, then Mental Kung Fu is HERE TO HELP YOU!
It won’t necessarily be easy. But honestly: Nothing worthwhile in life is easy, right?
However, it will be the last time that you’ll have to deal with it, because when you find what you actually need, it will no longer be a question of who’s gonna stop you, but rather: WHO CAN HOLD YOU BACK!

A HABIT is a friend


is a friend that does it

Are you ready to make some new friends?

Join The Bowl-Movement!

Now, if you are getting slightly cult-ish vibes, then fear not!
You’d might say that I’m trying to start a movement for people who thinks movements are for idiots, and you wouldn’t be totally wrong here.
Many movements are circular, but this movement is more like “u-shaped” because we’re starting at rock-bottom, individually choosing which side to claw our way up from. You know, like a bowl!
-We’d be fighting against centuries of bullshit, so perhaps it’s quite a bullseye description actually, ay?

Only, in this
movement, we’d never really meet up, ‘cause let’s face it: Too many people together always makes matters worse. So, this would be more kinda like a “working-from-home-movement”, where productivity is much higher, as we’re not getting bothered by inane chatter from colleagues and stroke-inducing meetings all of the time!

You can be part of this static movement in your jammies from the comfort of your couch. So, all in all, pretty kewl and unintimidating, eh?
-And your pet is also welcome!

We don’t have newsletters, “life-hack-of-the-week” or any other bothersome spam-info-crap, bloating up your already swollen mind.
With Mental Kung Fu, you get the most precious gift of all: The gift of being left the f*ck alone to mind you own god damn business, because you are a self-thinking adult!
-Advert-free too!
(Pretty Mental and Kung-Fu*#ing awesome if you ask me)

So, go grab your favourite snacks and your beverage of choice, tuck-in and crack your knuckles, ’cause you are just about to embark on the amazing journey of: We-Won’t-Take-Any-More-Bull-Shido!